A little late..
I had my baby 4 weeks ago, and I'm just now finding the time to write my story, which is kind of bitter sweet seeing as I loved reading everyone else's through my pregnancy! I went in for my 38 week check up on a Friday, June 9th. I was miserable! Sure, my pregnancy was pretty normal, a few hospital visits due to me being overly worried, but nothing too scary. I had gained roughly 70 pounds, and was feeling it near the end. When I went in to the office, though, I expected nothing would change. As a FTM I was expecting to go to 41 weeks easily. Once the nurse took my blood pressure, it changed the direction of my pregnancy. 160/102. I had not had high blood pressure (or so i thought. i later found out in the hospital ive had hypertension the entire pregnancy but my doctors failed to tell me and help me) My BP was rechecked 20 minutes later and it was 158/100 - so my doctor sends us straight to the hospital to be monitored! I hadn't even packed a hospital bag - if you made it this far in the story and are pregnant, please make sure you pack a hospital bag or, bless his soul, you'll end up with your SO packing it 😂😂. My husband left work and met me at the hospital. I was monitored for my BP for about 2.5 hours before the oncall doctor comes in to talk about our options. obviously I'm to term with the baby, so she gave us the option of leaving, but suggested we would probably have to come back since my BP was not going down at all, or inducing. she recommended being induced since it was fairly high and the risks just didnt sound great to me. Induction was a bitch! Around 8 the stupid Pholly bulb (spelled so wrong) was inserted to dilate me more since i was stuck at a 1. I was already having contractions, so I didnt think it would be thay big of a deal, but it hurt so badly! the contractions got worse, and it all felt like one long - hard contraction. Finally around 10, the bulb falls out and im now a strong 3. Then the fun part starts. The pitocin was put on a drop and i try to get as much sleep as i could, knowing maybe, just maybe ill be pushing soon. Each hour my nurse would come check on me to make sure i was contracting. I was, but i wasnt in a lot of pain, even though my contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart. They had to keep increasing the pitocin until they hit 20 drops. i wasnt making any progress. morning comes around 6, my doctor comes in before her shift ends to check me one last time. As she is checking me I feel this POP and my water is now broken! she apologizes as that wasnt her meaning, but im now at a good 5. Half way there. the problem now is that the baby hasnt dropped. my contractions were suppose to be pushing him down, but they werent. At this point, i was losing incredible amounts of fluids from where my water was broke. I can now really feel the contractions but its nothing bad. My nurse comes in to warn me they are increasing my pitocin to 30, they wanted to be aggressive. I decide to go ahead and grt the epidural because I was exhausted and figured rest would help my body. at 10 I got the epidural and slept so good! At around 2 I was checked again. baby hadnt dropped and they came to place this huge peanut between my legs to help open my cervix. At this point ive continued to lose even more water. About 4, my new doctor, who i love!, came in and checked me. I havent made any progress and baby isnt moving up. He suggested now that a csection is needed since the baby clearly wasn't in the birthing position and they had no way of forcibly moving him into the position. Those worde were the scariest words of my life, but figured I needed to do what i could to get him out since my body just isn't making progress. At 545 we were taken back to the OR, and at 615 we had our little boy Alaric Mitchell at 7 pounds 6 ounces, 21 inches long. Apparently I had vast amounts of fluid that the doctors didnt catch which contributed to my high BP. I've already lost 40 pounds just of it. A few days later though my csection decided to burst open, and my husband has had to pack it 2x a day ever since then, but all is well! I would go through it all again just for this boy. I have such a profound respect for women who have gone through these csections. It breaks my heart that I didnt get the vaginal birth i wanted, and now I'm unsure if I ever will, mentally that is devastating. But I'm so thankful everyone is healthy! Baby Spam because im obsessed with my child 😂😘😍

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.