Christian premarital sex??

I am a Christian - brought up in a Christian home and I believe all of it even though as I'm 16 I've been having doubts recently. When my dad was seriously ill a few months ago I turned to God for help and just having someone there to talk to who always understands has really helped me.

Some of my friends at school have been having a lot of sex at parties etc. and nothing came of it - it seems pretty harmless from what I've heard. I haven't yet but I've definitely been tempted. I can kind of understand why you shouldn't have one night stands and stuff as a Christian but I don't get what the problem is in a long term relationship?

Having read an article a few days ago on how the Greek word for sexual immorality actually means like pedophilia and adultery and temple prostitution, I am extremely confused. As I start applying for uni soon everyone will be going out and taking drugs and having sex and everything, I want to know what is right. Also, Adam and <a href="">Eve</a> technically never even got married, and their children probably didn't either. This confuses me. Has anyone dug deeper into what the Bible means regarding sex??

Having always been brought up to believe all sex outside marriage is wrong, I would probably hate myself afterwards. I don't know if this is just me being not ready or if it is morally wrong?? I'm so so confused - can someone shed some light???? (Well done for reading this far by the way!!)

Please don't hate - I'm just looking for advice here.