3 months left to go and I'll get to see a specialist after going through 3 years of emotional and physical pain

Sharee • PCOS, Endometriosis, hyperhomocysteinemia. 1 ectopic, 2 miscarriages 3 years ttc and praying for our rainbow baby

I had an ectopic last year March, found out on my birthday (great bday present huh) and was given the methotrexate shot the next week. I was also 8 weeks. even after the shot I was in the ER from terrible pain and was admitted. I didn't get my first "period" till May. and had a miscarriage that month. ended up needing laparoscopy in October because my monthly ultrasounds still showed something in my tube & ended up having my left tube removed which was 6 months after I got the shot. I also got pregnant again 2 months ago and had another miscarriage. since then I hadn't had a period so I was put on provera and I finally started 2 days ago. so I had a 60 day cycle. my next step is to have an hsg. I had even more labs done to see what's causing my multiple miscarriages and found out I have an elevated homocystein level. so my new obgyn is having me take a much higher dose of B12, B6, & folic acid and I'm crossing every finger and toe hoping & praying this helps even somewhat. I'm on metformin because without it my periods were all over the place. I have endometriosis and pcos. If my hsg results aren't good my obgyn is sending us straight to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. if everything looks fine then she's putting me on clomid right away to improve our chances of getting pregnant but still going to refer us to see an RE. After my ridiculous OBGYN I had for almost 2 years hadn't done squat for me I'm thankful for my new doctor that is trying to do everything to better our chances just within the first visit. We're getting married July 29th, what an awesome gift that'll be to us if we could be pregnant and actually not miscarry.