40weeks and no relief

Hailey • Anxiously waiting for daddy to come home!
Yesterday I was 40 weeks. I went to labor and delivery because of how swollen I am. I get so swollen that I can't walk and my legs and feet will start burning and turning purple. I got tested twice for protein in my urine and they both came back negative. Since Pre-ecclampsia isn't the problem all they could do was give me a shot of pain meds and an anti nausea medicine and send me home. Said no salt at all in my diet and to be on strict bed rest. 
I'm already full term and my OB insists on making me miserable for a while other pointless week. She won't induce me ubtil im 41 weeks pregnant and she sees how badly I get but she just doesn't care. I just wanted to know of some foods I can eat since I can't have absolutely any salt and things I can do since im on bed rest for a while pointless week. 😒😔😕