Copper iud insetion

Annalise • 17 years old//Boston, Lincolnshire🤗

SORRY FOR THE LONG POST, I'm 17 years old and on the implant, it has been a month since my last period ended (4/06/17-9/06/17) and I was due on the 28th June, however I was late by two weeks, now coming up to 3, the period prior to that was 4 days late. I went to the doctor and explained that I want it out, that I can't cope with hormones on pills or implant, so she said we will keep it in and start taking this pill with low estrogen in it. She said I could take it on the day my period was due which was the day I went to the doctors, I refused as didn't want to ruin my pattern.

Friday 14th July I had an appointment at the FPC to get the implant removed and I explained the situation, at this point I was 2 weeks and 2 days late, he said we could for the coil today and then remove the implant when you come for your review. I agreed, the insertion was okay until the forceps was used and then I had this 'pinching' type of feeling on my cervix, I took 2 paracetamol afterwards. I went all dizzy and faint and lost all colour, the doctor said I can sit in a different room until the pain goes.

After an hour of being in the room after the insertion I was getting worse cramps, they said not to leave until they went but it got to the point where I needed to be in bed with my hot water bottle. The pain lasted all day, the same pain and I had 2 clear baths but read online your not supposed to but I don't know wether that was for the copper one or the hormonal one or both, it was a clear bath with no bubbles and that didn't help.

Within the space of 48 hours I've probably took 18-20+ tablets of painkillers because I've been in so much pain (I know I shouldn't take loads) but nothing is helping. It is now 3 days after the insertion and my belly is hurting me more than ever. I want to go to the doctor but don't want to go whilst being in pain and them telling 'it's normal don't worry about it' when I have tried a couple of painkillers and nothing is reducing the pain.

Is this normal? What are other people's experiences? What should I do, should I go to the doctor?