
Can I pump and formula feed my baby?
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Yes, I formula fed my baby up until 6 months. However a bit different than you, when my sister had a baby in April, she strictly pumps, and always gets a lot of milk so started giving me some of it for my daughter. I haven't seen any problems since I started feeding her both, I'm sure it's even better than strictly feeding formula because breast milk has all the good stuff formula doesn't.


b • Jul 17, 2017
Also when my baby was in the nicu the nurses said that even tho she was only eating formula that I give her whatever breast milk I can pump out because it's better for the baby. They encouraged feeding her both and never said it would cause any problems by doing so.


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Yes, I'm doing both and breastfeeding too, I'm not making enough on my own (tried everything, hormonal issue they think)


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Yes but you'll have to make sure you pump very regularly to keep your supply up.


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My sister tried it and it did more harm than good.