I really think this might be it...

Brittany • 28 years old, married 2016 -together 8yrs. Baby #1 08/17/19 Baby #2 on the way :)

Questionable symptoms:

1. Extremely tired

2. Insane cravings for meat

3. Sore breasts

4. Brown discharge

My DH and I have not been actively TTC, but not preventing pregnancy either. It's been at least a week since we have done the deed, but I swear I'm having early symptoms. I never was keen on meat, but lately that's all I want to eat. Chicken, beef, pork, etc. I'm sleeping more than usual, and I feel like I've got period symptoms but I'm not due for AF until the first week of August. Would I be entirely ridiculous if I said I swear I'm pregnant?? Too early?