Single Parents

Ladies are any of you single parents or pregnant and not wit the babies father and is going to do your pregnancy and raising the baby by yaself? Can anyone share their experience and feelings or anything.... advice anything. first time mom and i dont think i want to be with the father any longer. not that far into my pregnancy .. confused.

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I'd go ahead and break up now, if that's what you really want to do. I wish I did earlier because all he's gonna do is make you more miserable down the line and when the baby arrives you're gonna feel obligated to keep your family. It's gonna be tougher to leave later than it would be now.


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I've been single ever since about 12 weeks pregnant. I couldn't stay with someone like him. It was an accidental pregnancy but I'm blessed to carrying this baby boy who is due in 3 weeks. It's hard but well worth it in the end. 


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I agree it would be easier to break up now. I've been through 2 pregnancies being single. Just focus on having a happy, healthy baby. That's all that matters. If you're not happy with him now you won't happy with him later. No need in being stressed out during your pregnancy. Being a single momma isn't all that bad. I've done it for years. Yes, it's twice the work, but it's twice the love too. :)


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I have gone my entire pregnancy alone 39 weeks now due anytime with my son and it might seem like a lot to do on your own at first but it's honestly not Been to bad for me especially because I just stay focused on what's important My kid and it keeps me going and happy the amount you love your child from the start is amazing so doesn't leave me a lot of time to focus on the fact I'm alone doing this but I also have friends and family support and that really helps too if that's something you have and just stay positive and think about all the wonderful moments your going to enjoy with your baby and it's his loss but more for you that's how I see it I get my son all to myself to spoil and love and enjoy trust me you'll be better off especially if your already having serious doubts you don't want to end up in something that's a nightmare for you and yourChild or someone who shouldn't be an influence on a child's life