I feel trapped (very long)

So currently I'm 19 and pregnant and I'm living with my boyfriend (my sons father) he told me when I got pregnant that I'm ruining his life but he said if I really want to keep the baby I can. I felt like I would never forgive myself if I aborted my baby so I decided to keep him. Neither of us has a job right now but we have everything we need for our son. I can't get a job because I am on bedrest. Here is where my problem is. He doesn't have a job because he is doing sports betting (he doesn't make much money with it and he looses some times) and he asks for very specific hours (no work on Sunday and he has to get off of work by 7 pm). He usually gets a job very fast but because he is asking for these hours nobody will hire him. He bets every day but still doesn't make much. My parents and his mom has bought all of our baby items so far and he has only given me $50 (which isn't much when it comes to buying baby items). He refuses to give up the hours and whenever anyone try's to talk him into it he gets mad. His betting has made me very stressed out during my pregnancy which ended up causing contractions when I was only 21 weeks. When he loses a bet he gets very angry and starts acting like a little kid( he pouts, makes angry faces, yells very loudly nonstop, throws things, hits things) and when I ask him to stop nicely or try to leave the room he gets more angry and starts yelling more) every time he yells I get very stressed out and I can barely breathe and my heart goes numb. I currently live at his moms house because my boyfriend lost his job and we could no longer afford our apartment. I don't have a choice of going to my parents because they live in Michigan and I live in Florida. My parents are not supportive of me either so I can't talk to them about my problems because all they will do is judge me. They don't even know they he bets because I am afraid of them thinking I'm a bigger disappointment than they already think I am. I love my boyfriend so much but it's so hard to deal with all of this stress and I know it's not good for my baby. He try's to control the yelling but he doesn't usually do a good job. He told me he feels bad for doing it and I deserve better. Honestly I'm just so tired of not being treated right because I was abused by multiple guys (they hit me and raped me) I want to stay with him because he is the first person in my life to actually care about me and love me. I have always craved love really bad because I never had it before. I feel trapped because I don't want to leave him (and I probably won't) but I can't deal with his yelling anymore. He has been yelling like this for the past year and a half. I know this is not good for my son but I know how bad it will be if his father is barely in his life. I know he will be a good father because he is really good with kids and I know the potential he has to be an amazing father. I'm posting this as anonymous because I don't want anyone to judge me and know who I am. I really don't want to leave him.  Also I'm not sure where to post this so I will post it in general pregnancy since I'm pregnant. Can anyone give me advice? Any advice is welcome.