May not be diabetic?...

Had my 28 week appointment today, it went pretty well despite the creepy med student, but that's a whole other issue. About three years ago now I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My sugar was 399 at the time of diagnosis but I got it down to normal very quickly and it has stayed down. I've actually had mor issues with it dropping than with high sugar, even during pregnancy. My doctor actually now wants me to get retested after I deliver to see if I am in fact diabetic. Thing is, why would my sugar have been 399 with an A1C of 11.3 if I wasn't? I wasn't on any medication at the time that would spike it, and I had been pre-diabetic for quite a while. I honestly can't figure it out. Anyone go through something similar? What did your doctors find out? --------- since I can't comment without becoming un-anonymous I'll respond here, other than taking my medication, I've done jack all to change anything. I mean, I don't eat many carbs but they're still there. And it got to the point where I went months without my medication pre-pregnancy and my sugars were still perfect. That's why I'm perplexed. I also weigh generally the same as I did. I wasn't considered obese ever, I was just told that in laymen' terms that my pancreas sucked.