TMI My skin is falling off

Ok so this is embarrassing, lately I've been having issues with my kitty. It first started a few months ago it began with strong smelling urine and at first I figured I might have another UTI because I'm prone to those not because I don't know how to wipe or clean myself but I've just had a lot of them. Anyways I thought it was a UTI but then I got my period and it went away so I figured it was just hormones. After my period was over I had sex with my bf and it started to sting and burn around that stretch of skin between my vagina and my anus. I figured it was due to him being a little over zealous and rough and maybe I got a tear, not the first time it's happened I wasn't too worried about it. Until it got worse in the coming weeks. It was itchy felt raw and burned at one point a piece of skin peeled off but I figured it might have been me wiping too roughly and peeling the beginnings of a scab off so I was as gentle as possible whenever I went to the bathroom to avoid aggravating that area. I didn't have sex for 3 weeks, then it was fine it didn't feel raw nothing burned or itched so my bf and I started messing around. One thing led to another and it was going great. Until we started changing positions and then it started to hurt a little. I didn't say anything because aside from a small pinprick sensation everything was fine. Fast forward to when we're taking a shower. I go to clean down there with some Summer's <a href="">Eve</a> and I nearly cried with pain it burned and stung so bad like when you get hand sanitizer, lemon juice, or salt in a paper cut. I cleaned myself and washed it off as fast as possible. My boyfriend asked what was wrong so I told him about the burning and stuff when I cleaned myself and he apologized figuring he was too rough with me. I finished cleaning up and asked him to look at it for me because the raw feeling was back and my bf is a nurse he likes it when I ask him to do things like this. I asked if there was a cut down there he looked he said no cut but it looks raw like a rash. I didn't tell him that I'd see these small flakes (not poop) when I wiped. I looked up the symptoms for a yeast infection and bacterial vaginitis neither really fit but they sounded very similar. I didn't have the cottage cheese discharge but I kept an eye out for it and a new gynecologist. About two weeks later the flakes stop and I start notice white discharge in my underwear except it's not clumpy like they said. It's like someone took white cream and smeared a little onto my panties. Fast forward to a week before now all the symptoms save for the white discharge are gone until yesterday when I noticed this odor not a fishy odor but still not pleasant coming from me while I was at the dentist, embarrassing, and this morning my skin is flaking off in large dry pieces. I know I need to see a doctor I just haven't found one yet. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. And sorry for the extra long post. Please no harsh comments I'm stressed out enough.