Trust your instincts!!

So currently 32 weeks and 2 days pregnant and have been having quite the scare the past 24 hrs! Last week I started having lots of pressure and pain in my pelvic area that I assumed was normal and everyone kept telling me that is normal about this time because baby is starting to get lower ok no big deal I brushed it off a few days after first having all this pressure I thought I had caught a 24 hr bug was sick throwing up and had the runs and felt so terrible still didn't think to much of it well I then started getting menstrual type cramps towards the end of the week and into the weekend but it was only every now and then and figured it was normal and was getting a few Braxton Hicks well the weekend I kept getting more of this cramping but thought it was because I had over done it because we went baby shopping and went to Costco and did a bunch of walking around Friday and then cleaned house some on saturday and decided I wasn't feeling too great that I would rest on Sunday but was still getting really crampy and had also started leaking a lot of fluid and had a really bad night Sunday night woke up with horrible hip and back pain so after some consiplating I called my Drs office and they told me to go ahead and get checked out at labor and delivery so I got there they hooked me up to the monitors and called my Dr and did a bunch of swabs to see if I had broke my waters or if I had an infection of some sort Well no waters broke and no infection so my Dr checked my cervix and it turned out that I was dilated to 1 and half centimeters and 30% thinned and I was having contractions that were 6 mins apart some I could feel but others I didn't even know I was having one so I got gave a pill to help my uterus relax and checked again to make sure no changes with my cervix and sent home until tonight to have a test done that will tell them how high risk I actually am at going into preterm labor even though it could happen anyways no matter what the test results are or I could stay this way for the next month and a half I feel like a ticking time bomb right now!! I knew something was off last week and should have called but glad I finally did and didn't wait any longer than I did so trust your instincts if you think something isn't right it probably isn't even if it's minor or nothing at all just trust your gut!