TTC Baby #2


Hi everyone! I am 28 years old (29 in 2 months!) and as stated in the subject I am TTC baby #2!

This is my first cycle TTC. Actually my first time trying at all. Baby #1 was a blessed surprise.

So first, since I'm new at this, I'm not too familiar with as much as most of you guys are. Just what I have read online, like I think I got most of the acronyms down (lol) but I don't even know how long my cycle is.. to be honest I only recently read how to determine it.

My period is not exactly clockwork, it seems to fluctuate a few days or even a week. So I am thinking my cycle is either longer or shorter than average. I am so bad at even keeping track of my period let alone my entire cycle. So first time TTC may be a bit difficult for me.

However I do think I am ovulating soon, recently, or even today? Just going by the averages and trying to pay super close attention to my body and using this app. Done the BD 3 times in the past week so hopefully if I am ovulating today one of those times were useful (;

Sorry if I am going on too long but also wanted to include my worries and hopefully find someone with the same or an experienced one who can tell me it will be okay LOL

So my daughter just turned 1 about 3 weeks ago.. is it too soon? She is absolutely my best friend and for awhile I felt I only wanted her. But one day a few months ago I just suddenly felt like I was ready, it would be the right time and had this feeling of her being a big sister. I thought about it for a good while before even mentioning to DF but the feelings were so strong I decided I do want to try.

She would be almost 2, if not already depending on how long this takes to happen. Does anyone with babies 2 years apart have any advice? She is so attached to me and I worry she will feel cheated out of being my baby.. I don't fear I won't be able to handle it, I am confident in my mama game ;D I just worry about her.

One more thing. It's not as important because my little family, whether it grows or not, is everything to me. But I do have an anxious feeling of how 3 of my closest friends will take it. They all want a baby so badly, one is married and has been TTC for about a year and the other 2 aren't even currently in relationships but I know they both feel a little jealous that I had a baby first. I know that sounds childish and honestly don't mean to come off as conceited, but we are close and I know they feel this way. So I do worry a little about any of their feelings being hurt (especially the one TTC) or feeling I am being greedy with the babies having 2 before they have 1.

Oh and I would say AF is due around the first week of August.