Little boy likes playing with baby dolls


My little man is soon to be 2, his picked out baby doll and pram from his older sisters toys and loves to play with it! It's so sweet he takes it in the car, rocks her to sleep, baths her etc etc.

I have no issues with it at all, I never even blinked an eye about it.. His father on the other hand is not happy about it, he keeps making comments to our little guy like "you don't want to play with that!"

"you don't need that, here give it to me"

His made comments to me that I'm going to turn him into a make up artist or hairdresser when his older. I feel like his worried about the man his going to grow into, what's the issue though? His our son no matter what he plays with or grows into he will always be my boy.

I don't see the problem, our daughter plays with trucks in the garden with her brother and nothing is said..

Is this really an issue??