Feeling Defeated

I am struggling so much to balance work and everything else . I am exhausted all of the time and feeling like I can't go on another second . I don't have the energy to cook when I get home from work , so I'm going to bed without eating sometimes . On top of it all, my mother and husband do not get along so I've felt pulled in all different directions because my mom wants to do this and that and wants me to go here and there with her and I often make up excuses because for one she's no fun to be around and two , she and everything feels awkward since she and my husband don't get along . He says after their last argument , things will never be ok between them again . This makes me sad . My dad passed away and all that I have is my husband and my mom and they don't get along ! I told my husband that I don't want to be in the middle of it ...there's so much tension between them and I don't want my baby boy exposed to that when he is born . I don't want him to see his father and grandmother not getting along. My mom is going to want to come and see the baby at our house I'm sure so there will be tons of tension or my husband will just leave . This is starting to stress my out severely .

I will not go into detail what my husband and mother argue about as this is on a personal level .