Confused about birth options


Hello! I'm hoping for some clarity and maybe a direction I can be more firmly pointed in based on any advice you ladies have for a FTM.

I am not scared to give birth (at least not yet? Haha), I'm confident and excited and already feeling empowered based on other stories I've read from you guys! But I do have a history of anxiety and panic attacks and when I read some of the horror stories on here, it makes me think about reconsidering my birth plan.

I very much want a natural birth, preferably at a stand alone birthing center and not a hospital. However, with complications such as hemorrhaging after birth and needing blood transfusions I'm like damn idk if I want to risk that in order to avoid the inconveniences and lack of control that I've heard comes from giving birth at a hospital vs birthing center. I also have read that some of the interventions that hospitals perform can predispose some women to having those kinds of complications (chicken or egg situation).

If there is any chance I have been lucky enough that anyone has read this far and can share good or bad birthing experiences with me/this community I would be so grateful! It would help me immensely to more firmly decide where I want to give birth. If possible, can you include where you gave birth, if you had interventions or medications (including pitocin or epidural), and what your experience was (including complications)? Thank you thank you any information will be so greatly appreciated!!!!