
Jesse • 5-15-13 👦🏻 10-20-16 👶🏼 July 2017 👼🏻👼🏻 7-8-19🌈 👶🏼 boy mama 💙💙💙

So I go in tomorrow to run more blood work, confirm miscarriage, and see how much more my hcg levels dropped. My dr basically told me to brace myself for a miscarriage, but literally nothing has happened. They told me typically they don't perform d&c; until hcg level are negative. Mine were at 86,000 the 50,000 and she told me it may take quite some time to get all the way down to 0 or negative. My thing is I don't want to be sitting around for weeks waiting for a miscarriage. Anyone who has had a d&c;, do you have any insight? How long did you wait to have one performed? How low did your hcg levels have to be in order to do it? I just want to move on at this point instead of waiting and dreading the inevitable that's coming.