Healthy eating habits


A healthy body starts and ends with your eating habits, you can go to the gym for hours a day all you want but if you don't eat right you will not see results! I love junk food so my kind of healthy eating is more of a clean eating with some indulging at times. in reality when you start to eat clean you will actually stop the cravings! Sometimes I crave chocolate or something fried like wings and that is okay if you eat them once in a while like rewarding yourself! You need to start with simple steps to get out of these habits. CUT OUT: soda (all kinds!), extra sugar or sweetener (try stevia it is a sweetener from a plant you can find it at the grocery store or honey!), drink more water and green tea(from the tea packets), stop buying frozen meals!, no white bread!, cut it out with the chips! No lunch meat, try to get grilled chicken or rotisserie chicken on yoir sandwhich...last but not least any food that contains high fructose corn syrup run away from!