I feel like my baby is behind...

My friends babies who are the same age (8 months) and even younger, the babies in this group, and in her Gymboree class are already crawling, pulling to a stand, and cruising.

All my baby can do is sit..... she can pull up to her knees and she can scoot on her belly backwards but that's it and that's been it for like the past two months. She can't stand on her own or anything either. She just kinda sits there. Her fine motor skills are pretty good, she can push small buttons and switches, and has the pincer grasp, and she is also a lot more aware of her surroundings than most babies.

but it feels like the big skills I mentioned are slacking....

I know all babies develop at their own pace, but why is literally every baby I know the same age doing so much more than her?? She will be 9 months old soon and can't do anything. I'm worried she won't walk or do anything until she's like 1 1/2 😳

It also doesn't help that my friend is constantly sending me snapchats of her baby that is 10 days younger crawling and standing and almost walking. Like I get it... your baby can do those things and mine can't..also that everyone in this group talks about how their baby is getting into stuff all over the place. Meanwhile you put mine on her tummy and she flops around and then screams.