Just bc you havent got preg yet....

Just bc you cant conceive when you want has nothing to do with:

1) she got pregnant on the first try! And I been trying for months!

2) she abuses her kids!! She's a horrible mother! I'd never do that IF I had kids

3) she left the baby in the car!? she's no mother! I been ttc for a year!

4) she's a teen mom in high school, Im a college graduate and can't get pregnant!

5) shes homeless with 2 kids and I live in a 300,000 dollar home and I been TTC for a year!

6) she don't even play with her kids, she's so selfish! why does she have them? I'd play with my kid if I could have one!

7) she's on government programs and food stamps, I can afford kids yet I can't get pregnant!

8)shes pregnant and on drugs!! I'm not on drugs! And I'm the one who can't get pregnant???

Or: she's on methadone and.

she smokes and....

She drinks while pregnant ...

9)She had an abortion! What about me here, trying forever to get pregnant?!

9.5) She had an abortion??! She should have given it up to adoption so ppl like me, can have a baby thru adoption!

10)she's having ANOTHER child? Already?! Isn't she grateful for the 3 she has?! Yet I still have none?! Smh!

11) what?! She got her tubes tied bc she didn't want more kids, how did she get pregnant?! Yet I've paid 10000+ bucks and still haven't got pregnant, AND MY TUBES ARE FINE!

12) shes not married! I been married for 5 Years and we aren't pregnant yet!

13) she lives with her parents, why is she pregnant?! I live on my own and have a good job, and I been ttc for 2 Years!

14) her baby is only 2 month's old and she's pregnant again?! That's GOT TO BE an accident! Bc I can't get pregnant and I've been actually trying!!

Okay, those are just a FEW examples that I've heard in real life or on the internet. Some here, some FB groups.

and I have to say, it makes no sense to me. I know some ppl can feel cheated, when TTC and it's not happening, but your womb and partners "parts" don't have anything to do with other parents and other children.

Other ppls lives and what they do in their life has nothing to do with ones fertility and ability to have a child or not

Just bc one person doesn't take care of their child in the way one sees fit, or has an abortion, or has more than one child on "accident", or decides to have 2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8 or 9+ kids, doesn't mean someone else should be "pregnant already!"

Its heart wrenching to see children in compromising, harmful situations, it's not fair. Heartbreaking.No child should suffer. Not at the hands of anyone.

But that doesn't mean someone else should be pregnant just bc a child somewhere else has been conceived or conceived and then not taken care of.

And its worth mentioning, I myself have struggled with fertility problems, I am not being ignorant towards infertility, as I've been there. I've went cycle after cycle with only repeated negative pregnancy tests. I've also suffered losses- early and late term.I've also gotten pregnant on "the first try" as many call it.we all have our own journey to parenthood and there are different routes we can take to get there.

But don't let what someone else is doing get you down.

Bc it doesn't have anything to do with your life. It doesn't affect your ability to get pregnant.

Next time you think about one of the above statements, remind yourself, nobody else's negative actions can or can't get you pregnant. So just keep on trying and hoping and praying if you pray!

"Sometimes, it's the darkest storms that produce the best rainbows"