So nervous for 3rd c-section!!!!

Brooke • Mother of 3! C-section mama, uterine rupture, and uterine resection. Long difficult journey to be a mama. Blessed with two boys & a sweet baby girl. (07/10, 02/16, 08/17)

Hi ladies,

I am a mommy of two boys and soon to be a sweet baby girl. I had my 1st c-section 7 years ago after 26 hours of labor!!! My baby boy was a whopping 9lbs, 4oz and got stuck! We needed an emergency c-section to get him out. I had a uterine rupture after and needed a uterine repair via laparotomy a few years after. My husband and I saw an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) to help us get pregnant with #2. I eventually conceived baby #2 and was given the option to VBAC but was also told I may have a uterine window and that another rupture could I decided for safety reasons to have a repeat c-section. I was on bed rest for 10 weeks!!! I delivered at 34 weeks (18 months ago) and I was so traumatized during the c-section I begged to be knocked out! I could see myself hemorrhaging and feared I would need a hysterectomy. Luckily I pulled though just fine and barley escaped a blood transfusion! Here I am again pregnant with #3 and a VBAC isn't an option at this point. My lower uterine segment is very thin and a window is suspected. I will be delivering at 34 weeks again (which is in two weeks!!!) I am so scared and so nervous! Do you ladies have any tips to help me remain calm while on the table? Thanks in advance.