My husband is keeping secrets, and I can't figure it out


So, I have been married to my husband for 3 months now, but I have known him for a couple years before that. I literally gave up my entire self to help take care of his kids and picked them up from almost becoming homeless to giving them a house and a actual bed to sleep. Long story, but that sums up that. Now, I had found out that he was extremely behind in all his bills to the point he went without gas for awhile because nicor shut it off, he was also selling link to get by, and ran up his back rent to 1800 dollars. It was a mess and I was very upset because I didn't know any of this until I finally decided to move in 😑 we got over and and pushed through the hardest of times I thought we could of possibly had. Now, here's the kicker. I have always known that he needs to take Tylenol PMs in order to sleep. I didn't realize how bad it truly was until I started noticing bottles after bottles stacked up in his truck. It has become so bad that he falls into a deep sleep DURING THE DAY and the kids and I can't wake him now matter what we do. I told him it needs to stop because its starting to affect him and he refuses to listen to me. I have started to notice money going missing and going missing to random places and he can't give me a good reason why it's going missing. I knew he was bad with money, but the money has been going quick and he can't explain himself. Finally, I was tired of it and threw his bottle he had HIDDEN IN HIS TRUCK after he told me he was DONE with taking them. He found out that night and he screamed at me and called me names and got in my face about touching his stuff. I did it because I'm tired of him hurting himself, I'm at he point that I think he is doing something else besides just PMs, and the moment I told him he was addicted, he began to punch walls. Thankfully the kids were at their moms, but it was scary.

I don't know what to do, this is becoming nuts, he has been lying to me and I don't know how to confront it or what to do about it. I NEED ADVICE!! 😫😫😫😫