My world came crashing down

My fiancé and I have been fighting like cats and dogs. We have a 5 month old and a couple kids from a previous. We also just found out I am 8 weeks pregnant.

Today I took my eldest out for a while. While I was out I was looking at my fiancée Facebook and noticed a girl who I've NEVER seen this name before liked his picture. So curiosity got me and I asked who this lady was. He said no one. I asked again he said you're fucking retarded I'm done with you. You always find something to pick we're breaking up. My heart instantly shot down and I broke down crying. Like what in the world just happened? So I get home and I am talking to him and he says it's a girl who used to work at a bar before he even knew me. Uh huh... then I notice he BLOCKED me on Facebook I asked him why he said because he doesn't appreciate me snooping.

I'm literally a mess right now. I am a stay at home mother we are old school he works I cook and clean and take care of our children. Now he wants to break up??!!! I have no family. No friends. I am just so shook up and I don't know what to do. I am not looking for help but a prayer and maybe some words to help me through the hardest time of my life.

I struggle terrible with anxiety and depression so when things happen like this to me I can't keep calm and stay strong. I'm a basket case 😢😢