baby taking its toll on our relationship :(


For the second night im sat here on my sofa with my son in his moses basket as a result of me and my partner not talking. Before our son was born we had an amazing relationship. We are engaged to be married and own a house together and we were so close! as much as I hate to say this and I don't blame my son at all but having a baby is quickly breaking our relationship:( me and my partner are finding adjusting to being new parents quite hard with the crying, constant demands and feeds etc. I am a lot more tolerant to it than my partner, he is finding it very hard and is getting stressed and it is upsetting me seeing him like this which I have told him. I just feel like we are going round in a circle and it's taking it's toll:( when ever baby had a crying episode we argue, whenever he wakes for a night feed and doesn't settle after we argue.. I know it's just the stress that's causing this but it's happening so much now and it's getting worse that I worry soon we really will have enough of eachother for good. I'm so down about this I really didnt think we would end up like this. :( I just don't know what to do:(