Ttc with endo and pcos

I'm a first timer here I'm after alittle advice/help / support , im 27, was diagnosed at 17 with both pcos and endo and had one op done for it, 6yrs ago. Me and my partner have been together for 9yrs been unofficially tying for 5yrs and ttc officially for a year, we've had many miscarriage's over the last 6yrs tho 3 confirmed and at least the same amount unconfirmed. I had one in January after finding out I was, I went for scan to confirm in the EAU and found I was 5/6 weeks and saw a beautiful little flicker of its heartbeat. I then suffered a miscarriage not even a week later, apparently, it was a full miscarriage my whole uterus lining came away endo and all. I suffered with recurrent infections for 6 weeks afterwards tho and was in agony both physically and mentally. I've been told next time I will be placed on the difficult pregnancy list and high risk. Which is now in my drs notes apparently.

Since Feb, ive had regular 6week period cycle until end of May, since then nothing. I've testing again and again and it's negative. But this last few days I've started getting tender breasts, feeling really sick, getting bile in my mouth. And other symptoms. I have tested but it's negative, is it possible I am maybe and not testing positive it's happened before where I haven't gotten a positive test. I'm terrified right now I feel I'm being to paranoid about my body, and maybe it's just a really late period. I never go off my preriods anyway as up until conceiving I have never been regular the endo is quite bad. And I get a lot of pain with it. I'm scated to take my mess right now just incase. I guess I just need some reassurance or something to be honest I haven't had anyone to talk to since losing out baby I speak to my partner but, I still feel. Wet fragile hence why I think I'm over reacting. Ow . Sorry about the long post x