Ladies I need some advice.

I'm a single mom, my son is 4 years old going on 5. His father and I are not together anymore and never will be again. He was very abusive mentally and physically, even when I was pregnant. He also cheated and since day 1 I have been taking care of my son all alone. He has never been to a single dr apt for my son and never even attended while I was pregnant going to the dr's for check ups. We do have a custody agreement where he gets him every Thursday night and every other weekend. He lives with his girlfriend, the girl he originally cheated on me with, and her family. Her dad and brother. So on weekends my son goes over there. But on Fridays and  Saturdays he works and the gf ends up watching my son. Lately things are getting worse. I'm not sure what to do so I need some advice. Today my son had a bad day at school, where he hit a friend and this weekend he stayed at his dad's. Whenever he comes back from his dad's he wants to fight/wrestle, talks back, will not listen to anything I say. I've asked the dr and they're recommending an OT(Occupational Therapist) or a Psychologist. But I feel like the root of all his issues is his father. Just today his gf and aunt dropped my son off at school and I guess it was a very drama filled departure with the gf and his aunt the teacher said. So I decided to call and ask my son's father why he couldn't drop him off and if he could do drop offs and if not I could get my son from him before school starts. He says "don't tell me what to do stupid bitch" and hangs up! This isn't the first time this has happened, it happens all the time actually. I'm so beat down, there's no talking to him. He even asks if we will still get together and I of course say no. I'm in a relationship and so is he and he knows I am. At this point, is there something I can do involving the law? Would him treating me this way get him in trouble? I also have a picture of my son and his father holding him with a weed pipe in his hand. I also have horrible texts I've saved of things he has said and called me. I record our drop offs when I do see him hoping I can get something. I'm beat down mentally and him treating me this way brings me back to a dark place that I was in when I was in our relationship and I never want to revisit.