I had my baby girl at 39w2d! (Long birth story)

Anye • Baby girl was born July 25 👶🏽

On July 25, at 39 weeks 2 days, I didn't end up falling asleep for the night until early that morning around 3. I woke back up at 5 am and had a little bloody/pinkish discharge for the first time associated with some period-like cramps. I went back to sleep and woke up like every hour of the night hardly able to sleep. My boyfriend works at 8am every Monday thru Friday and I get up with him so I did (usually go back to sleep within an hour after he leaves) and couldn't go back to sleep whatsoever because those period like cramps were getting a little more frequent, like every 10-20 minutes around 10am. I hadn't thought anything of it too much really because I've been having a few of those cramps here and there every other day for the past few weeks. But then, they started to progress and it became about 8-10 minutes. I then thought "ooo maybe this could be it" 😆 I had an appointment for 3pm to see my OB for a stress test and regular checkup where I wanted to finally discuss my birth plan and being induced if she hadn't come on my due date Sunday, July 30. An hour passes by now and these contractions are now more and more frequent and a pain in the ass! I tried taking a hot shower to try and relieve a little pain but that only made it worse. Another hour passes by and the contractions have really gotten closer and stronger so unexpectedly! I called my doctors office and one of the nurses told me to just go into labor and delivery when I had the chance instead of my appointment. 1 o clock rolls around and my boyfriend is getting off early. At this point they are 3-5 minutes for over an hour and a half and I'm like freaking out telling him to get home asap 😆 He finally gets home, we rush into labor and delivery, they get me all hooked up on the monitor and checked for dilation. I was just a 2 the week before, I was now a 5! The pain was just horrendous at this point to where I'm just trying to stick it out until a little longer so I could get the epidural. Well, by the time they checked me again I was already at an 8!! They said epidural was unnecessary at this point since I was doing so well. Finally, at a 9/10 and I'm pushing and pushing every chance I get for over 45 minutes but my doctor claimed my baby girls heart rate was slowing down so I ended up being C-Sectioned! (The pushing was far far more painful for me) I was given the drugs and woke up and they were all done just cleaning up and told me my baby girl is healthy and so am I🙏🏽

Alura Lea Humes, born July 25, 2017 at 4:44pm via C-section; 6lbs 13oz, and 19 inches ❤️ she is the love of our lives, we truly love her entirely!
