Resentment... what do I do??

Call me Cris 😜 • Life is what you make it 🙃👍🏼

Before my husband and I got married we had agreed that we wouldn't have any more children in the "near" future. He had a 9 year old son from a previous relationship and I had a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Neither of the other parents are or have ever been involved with our children due to other reasons I won't get into. So it was just him and I, and our two kids for four years. It was perfect. The older son and our younger daughter. My daughter only knows my husband as a dad because her bio dad went MIA long before she was off diapers. But forward a few months after the wedding. And he suddenly decides he doesn't want anymore kids AT ALL. 😱 I was only 23 when i got married. Clearly had my daughter very young and didn't enjoy my pregnancy at all. But I grew up in a large family with 8 siblings. Having only birthed one child was not ever my plan. He said we'd have more later on. So why no the sudden game plan?? He claims its easier with just two. And that kids are too expensive. And that our kids are now 8 and 14 so why start over now?? It's not fair. But his mind is set and now i feel cheated of my chance to have more children. I love him. He's an amazing husband and father to the two that we have. But I don't know how to get passed the no more kids thing...any advice...

Update: this is an old post from 2016. After speaking about it thoroughly, we were able to get to the bottom of his sudden mind change. We TTC for about four years dealing with unexplained secondary infertility. We had one miscarriage in 2020 and are officially expecting boy girl twins in Nov of 2021. It's all about communication. ❤️ Good luck to anyone in a similar situation.