My marriage is coming to an end..?

Here goes.

My husband is a good man, he really is. He works his ass off, makes sure me and our daughter is taken care of, he is a wonderful father, absolutely PERFECT to her, BUT if she gets up in the middle of the night he makes a big deal about it and doesn't help me, (she's eight months old) he yells at me, holds me down when he's mad, makes me feel like I'm shit, throws it in my face that HE makes the money, (I'm a SAHM) and he's told me we're only together because of our daughter and then admitted to only saying it because he was mad, here lately he's been wanting to stay out all night with friends (like going riding and taking our daughter with us I just think it's time we grow up and have our daughter in bed by a decent hour) he literally makes me question my worth every single day. We don't go a full 24 hours without arguing. I feel like everything is my fault. I have a very hard time from day to day anyway as I struggle with bipolar, depression, and anxiety to very severe levels.

NOW, I am not perfect either,

I have hit him (to wake him up, not because we're arguing or anything) I cuss at him, I yell at him, I talk down on him, and I throw up divorce A LOT. Truth is, that's where I'm heading. Our marriage shouldn't be this awful this early on, we haven't even been married 2 years yet. Anyone have any advice on how to save my marriage?