Loss of Sex Drive (LGBT Relationship)

So I'm sort of on here to vent- I basically feel completely powerless and frustrated and don't know if there's something else I should be doing.
I've been married to my wife for 14 months and we've been together for a total of about 5 years.  The first couple years of our relationship was long distance so there was a lot of sexting, skype sex, and a lot of sex when we visited each other.  After a while we were having sex maybe once a week on average. This was frustrating to me because I have a very high sex drive but I just found ways to 'take care of it myself.'
Well at this point I'm lucky if we have sex once every 2 months- everything else in our relationship is great. She's still affectionate in other ways and usually wants to cuddle- but when I bring up our non existing sex life my wife gets upset, defensive and refuses to go to counseling because she doesn't think anything is broken or needs to be fixed.  She was diagnosed with a thyroid issue which my be causing the decreased sex drive but has been on her medication about 2 months and nothing's changed.
So I love my wife, would never even want to have sex with another person or be with anyone else but I also really like sex and miss it.  I hate this feeling of being powerless and unwanted.  Any of you have similar issues or have any advice?