Dear ex friends:

Dear every friend I have ever had,

I've lost all of you because of things I cannot control. I couldn't control the way you talked about me behind my back, or how you stole my boyfriends, or how you'd fake being nice to my face to get me to open my mouth about my personal life. I could never trust any of you after looking back on what you had all done to deliberately hurt me and put my mentality on the line. You all said the same things... "I'm not going to be a backstabber like her, she was shitty to you", "I'm here for you.", "no why would I say anything about about you, you're my friend?". Little did you all know, I'm not stupid and I was always aware how you all treated me. I'd give you chance after chance to make up for what you spilt about certain things I'd trust you with. I'd count how many times you all had talked about me behind my back and I found out. And most of all, I'd still be the same, comforting, caring person... even when I had NO reason to. I was truly great and genuine to you all until you blew your true colors into my face and crushed and demolished all the words I'd ever said into your own and use them against me. And that's when I decided not to take your shit anymore. That's when I decided the mental breakdowns and posting on social media about everything wasn't going to fix how broken and alone I am. I said things to defend myself. I'd call you out on your secrets to you to defend myself from being corned by three of you at once and being told to kill myself. I would say out of pocket things because I had nobody else defending me because you ALL backstabbed me. All of you. I was always right about everything I said about these girls. I told one of you to watch your back because a girl you tried to be friends with was a girl who I knew was personally jealous of the way I would attract more guys than her and little did you know I was right.... she hurt you too. She was fake to you too... I never said anything that was false about any of you, because you all proved my point. After being in high school with all 7 of you girls AND some more of you boys, your astonishing goal to turn the entire school against me through twitter, Instagram, text, and eventually verbally... I can honestly say that I feel bad for all of you. The way you've teamed against one person and made yourselves look like a top notch pieces of shit is going to define how people look at you when you grow older. I am strong, beautiful, whole-heartedly caring, and have the utmost respect for myself after undergoing everything I have. I have learned so much and have taken so much from every bullying, harassing, and heartbreaking experience while you took so much out of me at the same time. I know now how worthy of a person I am and who truly deserves a place in my heart and in my life. You all still try me to this day even when I've blocked every single one of you on everything. Words spread... and I've learned that the more quiet I am about you all the better I look because I don't waste my time on stupid bullshit that you've put me through since seventh grade. You won't do this to me anymore. None of you. i have too much respect for myself now to give you just a simple glance anymore. And you know what they say, "the realist people don't have a lot of friends.". So consider your actions before aiming the target at me and making me look like a terrible person throughout high school. Consider how I felt being cornered and attacked and used and backstabbed SOOO many times. How would you like it if I had sex with your boyfriend and then you unknowingly gave your virginity to him and then found out he and I lied about it AFTER all along? How would you like being told to KILL YOURSELF? Consider this too, what do you get out of looking like nasty bitches treating one girl like complete dog shit? Who raised you? My mom raised me to be strong and always stand my ground and do the right thing.... I just don't understand how girls in this generation think treating other "friends" like this is suitable and acceptable... this post is me finally standing up for myself and saying the truth about all of you, because nobody else will.