Population control

Lauren • 3/28/16 & a 28 weeker born 8/3/17

Do you think people should be more responsible about the world's future in regards to overpopulation and use of resources by limiting the number of children they're having? If yes, do you think the government should get involved, i.g. how China previously limited the population to only have one child (unless something was deemed "wrong" *for lack of a better word* with said child)? This was sparked by a comment on a baby names article I was reading. A lady was having her seventh child and someone commented something along the lines of "Give it a rest. The world's overpopulated, children are starving, resources are slowly running out, etc." I guess do you think people should feel morally obligated to limit the number of offspring they have or should they just live their life? I personally don't think the government should get involved with that sort of thing at all, especially with our current president 😒. Not too mention all the people having lots of kids that can't afford it, but that's a different scenario I guess. Also, if you're against the government getting involved (I'd imagine most would?) do you think people should take it upon themselves to be "responsible" in that way?