Old Injury New Problems


Here is a topic that I can see being controversial. Should a person responsible for a life altering injury to another be held accountable for unforeseen medical costs? What if it was a family member? Should there be a statute of limitations, or should it be based on new discovery? (I have not looked into the legal aspect of this yet)


When my husband was a child (8) he was accidentally shot in the back by his adult cousin (19). This has caused permanent nerve damage along his left leg, and we are just now discovering some new health issues related to the injury. Resulting in potential amputation of toes, knee and hip replacements, continual physical therapy, high chance of being wheel chair bound before his 40s, not to mention the constant physical pain and emotional toll.

It has been 22 years, no apology and no assistance with medical expenses. In fact that side of the family will go out of their way to avoid seeing DH.

I am close to the situation and of course biased. However I can see an argument both ways: It's 'family' so let it be. It's been 22 years, don't bother asking now. On the other hand it is family, they should have been helping any way they could and shame on them for not.