Giving sentient robotics rights


This comes to mind because of the sex doll topic as well as playing the game Fallout/Overwatch. As both games have lore and story that involve "synths" or "Omnics" that are robots who have achieved sentience. I may not describe what I'm getting at very well though.

Definition of sentient


: responsive to or conscious of sense impressions sentient beings


: aware


: finely sensitive in perception or feeling

If robots developed sentience and began requesting rights afforded to humans, would you be on the side that is against their equality, or for it? Main question I suppose^^^

The sex doll for example, say hypothetically sentience exists there, are you for her having the same rights afforded to human women? Or do you think that since she was built as a sex doll she deserves no rights and exists purely for the owner (who bought her) to use as he sees fit?

Or say robots are being utilized in factories who have sentience and start requesting protection that human workers have (like leave, days off, insurance for damage etc) are you for that or against it?

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