Bridesmaid with a 7-8 week old? Help!


My EDD is March 1st and I was just asked to be in my brother in laws wedding as a bridesmaid on May 5. I originally said yes, the bride didn't know at the time I was pregnant. Now I'm starting to get nervous that the baby will be too young for me to take part in all of the wedding day festivities. I'm a first time mom and don't know what to expect. Originally I was planning on relying on my in laws for help but I'm starting to realize they will all be very busy in the wedding too. I plan on breast feeding and my mom was always around 10 days late with all of her pregnancies so the baby could be as young as 6-7 weeks old.

Should I talk the the bride and politely decline? Or tough it out and just make it work? Don't even get me started on the dress, it's not tummy friendly or breast feeding friendly. Going to be one of those beautiful but clingy all sequin gowns. Not sure how I'll fit or how much $$ I'll spend on the dress and alterations.

Any thoughts?? Thanks ladies!!