Embarrassing pregnancy story

Probably the worst thing imaginable happened to me tonight. I was heading home from dinner with my best friend when all of a sudden the stomach churning, "I'm about to explode" feeling hit. Mind you I am 9 weeks pregnant with my first child and have been extremely constipated basically since I found out I was pregnant.

At the time I was headed home, I was on the phone with my mom. I told her I could not believe that I had just pooped myself and the bad thing was IT WOULD NOT STOP! Mind you at this point in time I was still 15 minutes away from my apartment and it was already 10:30 at night so there was nowhere I could stop even if I wanted to. So there I was stuck driving with poop still coming out of my rear end and I'm so upset I am sobbing.

To make matters worse, 5 minutes away from my apartment, I get pulled over! The officer asked why I was going 45 in a 25 and I just broke down sobbing about how embarrassed I was cus I am pregnant and just pooped myself and how all I wanted was to get home and clean myself off cus I felt disgusting. Thank god he let me off with a warning!

So then after he let me go, I finally get home. I clean myself off and then my stomach gets upset and I end up vomiting.

Needless to say, I am done with today. I love being pregnant but damn today was awful. I just keep telling myself this will all be worth it in the end.