sharing my gastroscisis warrior story!
hey everyone. i never shared my birth stpry becuase it was a stressful time but i just wanted to say i had a little girl wi

th gastroschisis back in april. my third baby and only baby to have this borth defect. first let me suggest adding averys angels on facebook meagan hall if anyone is goingto habea baby woth gastro or has had an give you any info you need. it is a gastroschisis foundation. gastroschisis is a hole in the abdominal wall where a babies intestinesand organs hang out of there is no found reason why this happens just most common in young mothers and such. my little girl came in this world at 37.3 weeks weighing 5

pounds 8 ounces. i ONLY got induced because i was leaking a funny colored fluid. or else my doctors would have me staypregnant until 40 weeks. or when i go into labor. do NOT let doctors scare you into thinking they will be still born if they stay in you longer because thats old news.again talk to meagan hall. she came out and all her organs ended up being out. we only knew her intestines were out the entire time. anyways this hodpital was great here at women and infants in rhode island. right after she came out they let me look at her and took her in the other room with the neonatal doctors to bag up her insides and immediately put her in an incubator. again they showed her to me and then they left with her to the nicu. by the way i had a vaginal delivery and yes its perfectly ok to do so its actually more beneficial to the babies lungs etc our bicu consisted of 2 floors. one had mostly premies and other had other problems for babies. each baby had their own individual room. were the couch wpuld pull out into a bed ans we could aleep there 24 7 if we wanted to. of course we did though lol . the hodpital putme in a recovery room right above her room so i could easily take the elevator to see her. she went into or immediatly after felivery and they put all her insides back in her hole which was right were her belly button is. they didnt go through the organs and intwstines cause it would do more damage then benefit. then they used the umbilical cord over the hole as a cover with a patch over it and as the umbilical cord would harden the hole would close around it. so no surgeryneeded. oh yeah forgot to tell you she didnt need a silo bad but some babies do because theres not enough room in abdominal cavity fortunatly my little one did so everything went right back in after birth. she was on a jet breathing machine justto help a bit but she was already breathibg on her own. she was off if that in 3 5 days and we got tohold her for the forst time in a week. she started feeds then whichwas only 5 ml for ebery 3 hoursuntil she reached 10 then she went up in amoubttwice a day. in a weekand ahalf she made it to 60 ml and was able to be discharged in 23 days.pooped multipule times right after birth etc and no set backs tha k god. did lots of prayibg. oh and back to pregnancy i had nonstress tests with bedside ultrasounds weekly to check on her and she was always fine and big ultrasounds every 4 weeks to measure her. most gastro babies tend to be smaller then normal so they monitoe that as well. as long as babies growing thats all they care about.ill post a few pics of nicu babies belly before and now and such

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