Unmarried/Pregnant/Last Name

I'm debating on whether or not to have our daughter have my boyfriend's last name... I really would like to get married before she gets here but my boyfriend thinks I'm pressuring him which I don't want, he says it'll happen sooner than you think but he's been saying that for a while. He's very excited and everything (as am I) about our daughter, and I think my main concern is that I don't want to "play house" because we already have a townhome together and have lived together basically since we've been together (since like a month in, it was fast but we both knew we were each other's 'one') and I'm scared we're playing house already... I love him with all of my heart and don't want to pressure him at all of course (although I'm guilty of that- I've toned it down recently) but he's talked to my parents about marriage and everything even, and I believe he's wanting to wait until our daughter is older to marry. "Once we get settled in", which I get, but I am really in a dilemma about what the best thing to do would be for our daughter would be. I feel stuck 😕