Rewritten..(sorry I was so mad)

Hey ladies

My mother in law texted me earlier saying how she's disappointed and all this crap.

What happened was my boyfriend's ex went to her house (mother in laws ) to get my boyfriend's 2 kids

We also have a 11 month old child together. My boyfriend works sat sun mon I work mon Wednesday fri sun.

So my boyfriend's brothers girlfriend babysits his 2 kids while we work and my mom watches my son. Well my boyfriend's ex texted me (we are pretty close and get along) and she started to talk about my boyfriend's brothers gf. Said she looks like a crackhead and all this all I said was " lol " and i said also she annoys me cause she tells me what i should send the kids. Well my boyfriend's mom texted me saying how she's disappointed in me and all this shit.

I will post what she said with numbers. (Example 1 2 3 4 ).

My mother in law ALWAYS talks shit about my boyfriend's brothers girlfriend I haven't heard her say 1 good thing about her. She always says oh shes annoying , i can't wait for them to move , she thinks I'm a built in babysitter , she gets on her nerves she never wants to leave etc etc etc.

What annoys me is she just handed them 50$ when they have no bills. I and my bf are so behind in bills we are both picking up extra hrs at our jobs my bf makes 30$ a hr and works 13hr days plus a day of overtime.

We fell behind due to me loosing my job due to getting pregnant. But I'm working agian and working on getting another job and help out as much as i can with bills the kids etc  but we're close to loosing our house and she knows this but I'm not saying at all she should give us $$ im just telling u what happened.

Anyways this is what she said to me

 1. Disappointed. She n my son are good to them kids AND their doin u a favor and u talk about them. Smh

2. Your friend  said u 2 been textin all day laughing about her.

3. Well u i know how u are smfh if u or Lin dont want her for a babysitter find someone new.

4. U two laugh together in texts I'm sure

5. Yes they do love her. She is good with them.

Like seriously ? She acts like I do nothing with them

I'm the reason his son is on meds due to his adhd

I'm the reason they are getting caught up

I'm the reason for ALOT

BUT I'm being talked down on like she's all cause i said I don't like how she acts to me ab the kids ?. Fuxk outta

Do u think I have a reason to be mad..