my OB is always focused on my weight


so my Dr seems nice but is very focused on my weight i am 5'2 and my pre pregnancy weight was 226 now at 22 weeks im 214. And I have been suffering from sacroilliac joint pain which affects lower back hips and legs.See here's the thing when I explained my back and hips were hurting and how I have to limp and lean on things at work (I'm a dog groomer btw) she said well it's your weight and baby is getting bigger but since you have more weight it's causing it so try exercising etc. LIKE HELLO! I am a limping pregnant wolman crying in pain my weight hasn't affected me before I don't have diabetes I don't have high blood pressure I'm pretty much okay other than this freaking pain! She then referred me to a physical therapist and he said I'm in severe pain and is going to try to help me which is nice just wish my OB would acknowledge my symptoms and not just look at my weight☹ I hate my appointments with her because she always brings up my weight and I've lost weight and eat better.😕 should I see a new Dr or am I being a little sensitive?