PCOS after stillbirth


Hello, little about me I had my sleeping angel Jaxon on 4/9/16 At 38 weeks 4 days my husband and I have been ttc going on 10 months with no luck. Went to a specialist he confirmed I have PCOS and I have not been ovulating. We had no trouble conceiving our first we conceived him the 1st month of trying. My body had completely changed after having my son I have hypothyroidism irregular periods PCOS. I'm having surgery to also remove a polyp I have in my uterus and he will be removing cysts on my ovaries and checking my tubes make sure they are not blocked. He had given me metformin and after my surgery he wants to put me on birth control for 3 months then he will be giving me clomid to help me ovulate so that is my fertility plan. My question is has anyone had any of this done and was a success? I just don't understand how my body was perfectly fine before I had my baby and now it's all messed up ugh just feeling frustrated I just want my rainbow baby.