Stillbirth and plus size / growth restriction?


Has anyone experienced a stillbirth who is also plus-size?

We were told our baby was measuring small (18percentile) and that the placenta was small. My dr has stressed that my weight was not the cause but that losing weight would help my blood pressure (which I was already on medication for before my pregnancy). I did everything possible in advance of getting pregnant to control my BP.

Now, we want to start trying again but I'm afraid to without losing a lot of weight first. I'm 5'8" and 300lbs., size 22 clothing. I only gained 6lbs in the pregnancy before we lost her and was doing super well controlling my food, exercise, sugar, etc ... but I'm just so afraid it was really my weight and there was just no where for her to grow. :(

I'm also turning 38 in about a week and am afraid of waiting much longer too.

Anyone else plus size have a successful pregnancy post stillbirth?