Ohhh the PMSing-off the pill 1 month


I'm soooo down in the dumps right now but its nearly all PMS driven. DH and I just turned 30, and I got off the pill last month. About a week ago (post supposed ovulation) I had the worst cramps EVER and sore nipples. I haven't been sure if they were ovulation or pregnancy related, but most likely just "off the pill" symptoms. AF is due tmrw but this would be my first "post pill" period so who knows if it'll show up on time.

Anywho all week I've been a bundle of on/off pain and constantly horny. It's been a few days since baby dancing so after i finished some cleaning i was feeling really accomplished i tried to initiate with DH. He turned me down! Said he was tired. Normally this does not bother me much but today I felt myself go from feeling Amazing to unbearably low in 10 min flat. Talk about mood swing. Next thing I'm mopey, teary-eyed and curled up in a blanket on the couch with a pout face. DH cooks dinner, asks if I'm going to keep being upset with him and goes off to watch his show after we eat. I'm soooo upset and it's not for much of anything. No fighting just a total 180 in mood because I didn't get sexytime. I feel like a toddler. Hello mood swings of my youth, welcome back now that the pill is gone. Anyone else have crazy symptoms getting off the pill? I hate this.