36 and trying for 12 years on and off

Candis • TTC for a long long long time I hope to not be as impatient as Sarah in the Bible but I am asking God to grant me his gift

I am 36 have PCOS been trying for about 12 years off and on. Went through

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

spent a lot I mean a lot of money three cycles the embryos went all the way to the blastocyst stage but non stuck. At the end I was told I had unexplained infertility. What the hell is that... Anyway I picked myself up and decided I would pray and ask God to send me a miracle. My DH has given up all hope and is now not wanting to even entertain the idea of having a baby 🤰 I am guessing he saw what the disappointment did to me so he doesn't intend to go there anymore. I don't blame him all my trust is in God now he will make a way forward for me. I am now tracking on my own and hoping I ovulate my period is really irregular but I am losing weight and it seems to be coming more often . I take inositol and vitamin D as well.

Hope it works out for all you ladies as well prayer 🙏🏿 going up for you so that blessing can come down.

UPDATE: Unfortunately I had a miscarriage on 9 November 2017. Had to use medication to pass the rest of the pregnancy 🤰 was so heartbroken but I still have hope that God will bless me with my rainbow 🌈 baby... blessings and baby dust t all you ladies still trying to conceive stay faithful and strong.