August 10th baby came week early 👶


Rachel Elizabeth born 8/4 (six days early) weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long 💕

Starting feeling pain 8/4 afternoon. I waited until around 8pm to finally say I need to get myself to hospital (wasn't sure if they were real contractions). Was admitted immediately and at time of arrival I was 5 centimeters dilated! Nurses asked if I wanted epidural because baby's head is very low and order for pain med takes time. I said yes!! Pain got a lot worse very quickly, during epidural my water broke. Doctors weren't sure if I should actually continue with epidural because of the contractions coming. I they continued. Right after they left, labor and delivery doctor came in with about six nurses and I pushed for about 7 minutes and bam! Baby was born. Pushing hurt so much but I'm glad it wasn't for long and once you look at your baby- all the pain fades away.

(was told lots of people in the room because of size of baby and sometimes the shoulders get stuck on the way out and can be glad everything went fine. I did end up getting episiotomy)