Positive OPK question.


I took a clearblue easy read and got a positive (😃) on Thursday and decided to take another one today and got another positive smiley face. This time though the line was just as dark as the test line. Where the one on Thursday was slightly lighter. Is it normal to get positives for three days? We have been doing BD everyday since I got a positive. Should we keep it going for a few more days? My DH is getting tired haha. 
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Yes keep bding! Good luck


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The lines on the back do not mean anything in the digital test, it tells you right on the box, when I got my positive there were no lines.. The doctors say to go by your first positive OPK. Because you can get false positives couple days after. Good luck!


Samantha • Apr 4, 2015
Ah! Thanks!! :)


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If the test line wasn't as dark or darker than the C line then Thursday's may not have been positive.