Im so confused!

Nikki • 💖💖Momma 05-11-01💜💜 step momma 12-01-25 🌈16-12-20 expecting 19-01-08

So we had a miscarriage at 9 weeks in December. took a few months off. Now we are back trying and it has been a long 5 years. Last month my cycle was only 20 days. My cycle is usually 27 days long. These last three months I have been using opk's. The pattern I noticed is a positive test around cd 12.. This cycle I started the testing on cd 9 July 31st. that test was negative. Here is August 1st and 2nd. As you see the 2nd is a positive test. Well there is two more tests from this morning and yesterday morning cd's 17-18. They also have pretty dark lines. I have also been having a lot of discharge.. What could be causing these positive tests? Or at least a much darker line than I am used to seeing.. and a week later still getting positive tests?Is this normal?

The tests from yesterday and today look much darker in person

That is this morning alone