30s and baby brain


My fiancé and I are getting married in November and I can't wait. He is an amazing man. I am excited to TTC, as is he. I just have such a hard time with other females (mostly friends) trying to be in social situations when they make comments like "oh, you don't get it. You're not a mom." Or "You might understand when you have had a baby." I just sit and listen mostly. It's usually my fiancé's friends' wives that I am sort of forced to spend time with. My fiancé knows they aren't very nice women but it hurts. I am an English teacher, I also teach dance, babysit, and tutor. I'm an involved aunt and I'm pretty sure I "get" kids. Are there any HELPFUL suggestions on how to deal with these interactions? I'm not angry, it's just hurtful and frustrating. I was married and we tried desperately to conceive to no avail and it killed me. We are divorced now, obviously since I am engaged to my new partner. Yet, I've desired to be a mother forever. I'm afraid it might not happen because I have a thyroid disease.