Pregnancy weight gain


Hi ladies,

I am wondering how to control pregnancy weight gain ..

I used to be a gym rat, I have a great diet or used to have a great diet, and still eat as healthy as I can even though I found out I was pregnant because I was constantly starving !

pregnancy hasn't been easy on my bones and the sciatica is killing me everytime I work out or sit for too long, which resulted in almost a non work out pregnancy.

I am 29 weeks and needless to say how guilty and uncomfortable i feel about it.

I know this is a part of it but my legs feels fat and cellulite is showing on my calfs 😔

I tried using KT tape but it only helps so much.

Can anyone relate or have tips ?

I love my baby, the experience and everything but I'm a bit scared about the postpartum body that is waiting for me ..


Current ( on the right )

I did gained a bit of booty tho 😊