Help! 3 day LH Surge?...

Cassandra • Baby due July 2, 2018!!!🤰🙌🏻 Baby Boy came 6/18/18! So in love!

I've been having my surge since early Monday morning and now it is Wednesday and it's still happening! I thought your surge was only supposed to last for 12-24 hours with ovulation occurring within 12-48 hours...I'm not sure what to think now. I'm having some cramping today but is it ovulation or what?

To top it off all my charts said I was supposed to be in my fertile window last week but I never had my surge. The last time the hubby and I BD'd was Saturday morning before he left out of town for work...900 miles away 😢. So what does all this mean? Why such a long surge? Do we still stand a chance of conceiving? I'm so sad and confused right now ☹️😔😭